Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Back to school

Hello, now for the first entry of the school year. Yay IB!... yeah right. Well anyways the September has been ok... not much to write about though. Well English is nice and useless as usual, but The Odyssey movie is entertaining. Also, people: join XC (Cross-country running), or those who already have: go to Kingston!

For those who came to my place on labour day, ere is a pictures.

Now the tech part:
  • anyone who hasn't tried Google Maps... try it! there's a satellite view of pretty much the whole world, pretty cool
  • Ditch Hotmail, if anyone needs a Gmail invite, i have 50, or just get Yahoo! mail. For those of you who like your MSN Messenger, all you have to do is go to and enter your non-MSN/Hotmail e-mail.
  • Google Web Accelerator is back!
  • Forgive me if I sound like a Google fanatic
  • Games for your TI-83+/84+:
  • [Firefox Propaganda] Get Firefox! Tabbed browsing, faster, more secure, no spyware!
  • If anyone wants MandrivaLinux or Windows Longhorn/Vista(2006), i'll burn you a copy.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Upgrades, upgrades

Anyways, I'll get started. So this is about the hardware and software upgrades I have got over the summer. (btw, to anyone not wanting to read these techy posts, sorry, but there's not much else to write about right now)

Windows XP on a Pentium-MMX 200 with 32MB of RAM! Yes, it's possible! It takes about 7 mins to start up, but otherwise runs great, even with visual styles enabled.

DVD-RW drive! Finally, after much pestering and hinting from certain individuals, I have gotten a DVD burner. It's a BenQ 1620 OEM, in case anyone's interested, for $59 CDN. Together with DVD Shrink, I plan to make good use of it making all of my movie "backups"...

Windows Vista! (discussed in previous)

"Dat's it, dat's all!"

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

First post!

I've finally decided to get myself my very own blog on Blogspot! I first checked it out a few years ago (out of curiosity about that orange button on the Google toolbar), and now that these WeBlogs have taken off, I told myself eh bien tant pis and decided to join in the craze.

Now that the "First Post" business has been taken care of, here comes the real entry:

While attempting to wire some Cat5 cable, I found out that there are actually two different standards for wiring these things. According to The Internet Centre, there are both the T-568A and T-568B standards. Why? It really makes no difference...

Perhaps more interesting than Ethernet Cable, I was able to get my hands on a copy of Windows Vista Beta 1. The new version is pretty cool, with the black visual style and (optional) huge icons. The version of Windows Media Player included has a few more features than the one currently available on the Microsoft Website, despite having a lower version number ( vs. IE7 beta, while it does have the expected Tabbed browsing, popup blocker and search box, isn't all that great. The tabs aren't as well-implemented as in Mozilla/Firefox or Opera. The one thing I find sort of weird in Vista is the absence of window titles in the Title bar, leaving a large grey space that seems to be asking to be filled. (If anyone's interested, screenshots are to be added soon).

Well, I suppose that's all...