Wednesday, August 17, 2005

First post!

I've finally decided to get myself my very own blog on Blogspot! I first checked it out a few years ago (out of curiosity about that orange button on the Google toolbar), and now that these WeBlogs have taken off, I told myself eh bien tant pis and decided to join in the craze.

Now that the "First Post" business has been taken care of, here comes the real entry:

While attempting to wire some Cat5 cable, I found out that there are actually two different standards for wiring these things. According to The Internet Centre, there are both the T-568A and T-568B standards. Why? It really makes no difference...

Perhaps more interesting than Ethernet Cable, I was able to get my hands on a copy of Windows Vista Beta 1. The new version is pretty cool, with the black visual style and (optional) huge icons. The version of Windows Media Player included has a few more features than the one currently available on the Microsoft Website, despite having a lower version number ( vs. IE7 beta, while it does have the expected Tabbed browsing, popup blocker and search box, isn't all that great. The tabs aren't as well-implemented as in Mozilla/Firefox or Opera. The one thing I find sort of weird in Vista is the absence of window titles in the Title bar, leaving a large grey space that seems to be asking to be filled. (If anyone's interested, screenshots are to be added soon).

Well, I suppose that's all...

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